Scientific Name
Cirrhilabrus naokoae
Common Name
Naoko's Fairy Wrasse
(total): 11;
soft rays
(total): 9;
spines: 3;
soft rays: 9. Dorsal rays XI, 9; anal rays III, 9; pectoral rays 15; lateral-line scales 16+6 or 7; median predorsal scales 5; a single curving row of scales on cheek; gill rakers 14-16; dorsal fin elevated anteriorly, the fin height 25.5-27.5% SL; first dorsal spine longest, 16.0-16.3% SL (36-41% of fin height is membrane supported by a slender rod originating from behind tip of anterior spines); longest dorsal soft ray 15.8-16.1% SL; caudal fin slightly rounded to slightly double emarginate; pelvic fins very broad and long, extending beyond spinous portion of anal fin; color of male in preservative blackish dorsally and ventrally, with a broad pale lateral stripe that includes all of snout, eye, base of pectoral fin, and ends at lower caudal-fin base; fins except pectorals black; color of males in life red dorsally, bluish while ventrally, with a broad yellow stripe between from pectoral-fin b