Scientific Name
Cirrhilabrus beauperryi
Common Name
Beau?s wrasse
(total): 11;
soft rays
(total): 9;
spines: 3;
soft rays: 9. This species has the following characters: D XI, 9; A III, 9; pectoral rays 15; lateral-line scales 14-17 + 6-9; median predorsal scales 6; cheek below eye with horizontal scale rows of 2; gill rakers 17-20; body depth 3.0-3.1 in SL; head length 3.1-3.3 in SL; snout length 3.6-4.0 in head; adult male with median head profile slightly concave at interorbital; rounded caudal fin; males with elongate and filamentous pelvic fins, reaching level of posterior half of anal fin; live colour pattern of terminal phase (male) includes a general purplish body, grading to blue ventrally and greenish or yellowish brown dorsally, with a broad purple stripe along the basal half of the otherwise pale yellow dorsal fin, and a thin purple bar across the violet-coloured pectoral-fin base; color in initial phase mainly dull purplish red with a small blackish spot on dorsal portion of caudal peduncle (R